GPS Guide – July 1, 2019
Read: Luke 6:36
“36 Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” (NIV Luke 6:36)
Study: What does it mean to show compassion like God does? If we look at the story of the Bible, we know that we are people who are constantly messing up and going against the will of God. Despite this, God shows love time and time again. God even goes as far as coming to this Earth as Jesus and sacrificing himself on the cross for us. This is the type of compassion we should model. The type of compassion that, even when busy, would stop to eat with sinners and heal the sick. What would it look like to show compassion in your relationships? Think of one relationship you are in that needs the touch of selfless compassion.
Prayer: Jesus, I ask for your compassion. Even when I mess up, you love me still. I pray that you give me the strength to show this same compassion to those around me. Amen.