GPS Guide – May 27, 2019
Read: Isaiah 41:10 ESV
“10 fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (ESV Isaiah 41:10)
Study: This week we will be studying and praying about the idea of fear. Fear is one of the most powerful human emotions, and therefore the Bible has a lot to say about how we confront fear faithfully. In the book of Isiah, we see the Hebrew people facing another time of exile. Exile meant a great deal of loss as the Hebrew people mourned their dead, left their homeland, and had much of their cultural identity stolen. The amount of fear that they must have faced going into this time of exile is unimaginable. In the midst of this fear the prophet Isaiah speaks God’s words of encouragement. He tells the Hebrew people not to let fear drive them to dismay and take away hopefulness. None of us know what the future may bring, and uncertainty will typically bring about fear. The words of the prophet Isiah will remind us that we do not have to be dismayed in the face of fear because of God’s promise to uphold us with his righteous hand.
Prayer: God, sometimes the unknown makes me afraid. I am afraid I will not be able to control or handle my future. Please remind me in the midst of my fear that your righteous hand is with me. Remind me that you will uphold me whenever I need.