GPS Guide – April 3, 2019
Read: Romans 8:18
“18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” (NIV Romans 8:18)
Study: In this letter to the Corinthians, Paul was addressing both his suffering and the suffering the Corinthians faced at the hands of the Romans. Paul reassured them of the promise of resurrection and of what comes after this life. While it is true that they faced persecution in this life, they had hope in the next. Through their confidence in their place in eternity, the Corinthians found hope in hopeless times. Our final glory will be greater than any suffering we may face in this life. If you feel overwhelmed this week, remember that all things in this life shall pass. Through our faithfulness in hard times, we can find hope and comfort in the resurrection.
Pray: Loving God, even when I face the difficulties of this life, never let me forget the promise of the eternity. I can face anything knowing you are with me. Amen.