GPS Guide – April 12, 2019
Read: Acts 2:42
“42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” (NIV Acts 2:42)
Study: The very first Christians lived out their faith as a relatively small group, living in a city that had crucified their Lord. But the apostles’ teaching, prayer, sharing life and a radically generous spirit shaped them and bound them together. From their earliest days, they shared in ways that showed they were part of something bigger than just a tiny sect. The lives they lived, and the message they shared, have changed the world for the better in powerful ways for over 2,000 years now. What challenges do you face when it comes to connecting with others and contributing to their well-being? What holds you back? Prayer, fellowship, devotion to the apostles’ teaching, and radical generosity were the foundations of the early Christians’ powerful impact. In which of these areas do you sense God inviting you to grow as we move into a new year of opportunities for growth?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for the generous model those early Christians left for me. Help me to live with the same spirit of sharing and caring they showed. Amen