GPS Guide – October 24, 2018
October 24, 2018 / /
Read: Isaiah 43:1-7
Study: Isaiah’s prophetic poetry spoke first to Israelites returning from exile in Babylon. The chance to return to their land was welcome, but it took a long, likely dangerous journey, often on foot. “Don’t fear,” was the divine message to them. “I will be with you.” Those words have strengthened and encouraged God’s people in all kinds of challenging or difficult situations ever since. Today, if you face a hard time or feel as if you are alone, remember God’s words and know that He is with you.
Pray: God, I’m scared about something too much of the time. But you’re the maker and sustainer of all that is, and your word says, over and over, “Do not fear.” Help me learn to listen better, and to trust you. Amen
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