For Trust on God.
O Almighty LORD, who never failest them that trust on thee give me grace, I beseech thee, in all my difficulties and distresses, to have recourse to thee, to rest and depend on thee. You shall keep him, O LORD, in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. O let me always rest on this firm pillar, and never exchange it for the broken reeds of worldly succors; suffer not my heart to be over-charged with the cares of this life; but grant that having, by honest labor and industry, done my part, I may cheerfully commit myself to thy providence; casting all my care upon thee, and being careful for nothing, but to be of the number of those whom you ownest and carest for, even such as keep thy testimonies, and think upon thy commandments to do them. Seeking first thy kingdom and righteousness, may all these outward things be added unto me, in such a measure as thy wisdom knows best for me. Grant this, O LORD, for JESUS CHRIST’S sake.