The Goodness of God
In today’s devotion, John Wesley talks about the relationship between our sin and the loving grace of God. Take a moment to read his thoughts.
“Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means!” Romans 6:1-2
It may be that some do not speak of the mercy of God saving or justifying us freely by faith because they believe it encourages people in sin. Indeed, it may and will. Many will continue to sin that grace may increase, but their blood is upon their own heads. The goodness of God ought to lead them to repentance, and so it will those who are sincere of heart.
When penitent seekers know there is yet forgiveness with God, they will cry aloud that He would bot out their sins also, through faith which is in Jesus. And if they earnestly cry and faint not, if they seek Him inn all the means He has appointed, if they refuse to be comforted till He come, He will come, and will not tarry (Hebrews 10:37). And He can do much work in a short time.
The Acts of the Apostles records may example of God’s working this faith in men’s and women’s hearts, even like lightning falling from heaven. In the same hour that Paul and Silas began to preach, the jailer repented, believed, and was baptized. It was the same with the three thousand on the day of Pentecost who repented and believed at St. Peter’s first preaching. And, blessed be God, there are now many living proofs that God is still “mighty to save.”