GPS Guide – April 15, 2020
Read: 1 Peter 1:3 ESV
” Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, “
Study: Disciples of Christ should have an irrational hope. It might seem like a strange thing to say that we should be irrationally hopeful. However, God loves to do things that seem impossible. Life is so full of hardships that sometimes it is difficult to have a rational hope. Some dark moments feel like they will not end. When we are in the darkest valleys and when we see no way out, God works miracles. Because God works miracles we can be hopeful in the midst of the dark valleys. When we say that we can be “irrationally hopeful” it means that we have the faith to cling to the hope of God’s goodness even when we can’t see out of the darkness. Are you or have you ever been in a time so dark that you see no way out? If so, remember that God is more powerful than the darkness. What can you do to cling to hope in Christ?
Prayer: God I want to be hopeful even when it is difficult to see a way out of the darkness. God you have always done miraculous things, please give to me miraculous hope.